Briefing Papers More ›

°ÄÃŲʿª½± Summary: King’s Speech 2024

The °ÄÃŲʿª½±’s summary of the key bills in the King’s Speech 2024.

°ÄÃŲʿª½± Summary – Labour Party Manifesto 2024

The °ÄÃŲʿª½±’s summary of the Labour Party Manifesto 2024.

°ÄÃŲʿª½± Briefing: Labour’s ‘Plan to Make Work Pay’

This briefing note provides a summary of Labour’s ‘Plan to Make Work Pay’.

Budget Submissions More ›

°ÄÃŲʿª½± Submission ahead of Spring Budget 2024

The °ÄÃŲʿª½± has made its submission ahead of the Spring Budget 2024. The submission focuses on projects and policies which will enable growth and strengthen business confidence. This submission reinforces the call for further support of, and clarity on proposed government investment in the UK’s physical, social and digital infrastructure. Additionally, it emphasises the importance of public, private and VCSE sectors pulling together in this shared endeavour.

°ÄÃŲʿª½± Submission ahead of Autumn Statement 2023

The °ÄÃŲʿª½± submission ahead of the Autumn Statement 2023 focuses on those projects and policies which will deliver growth and bolster business confidence. In particular, this submission calls for continued support of, and clarity on proposed government investment in, the UK’s physical, social and digital infrastructure.

°ÄÃŲʿª½± Submission ahead of Spring Statement 2023

The °ÄÃŲʿª½± has made its submission ahead of Spring Budget 2023. The submission focusses on the following: project delivery; investment and green recovery; supporting businesses and VCSE organisations; and the levelling up agenda.

Consultation Responses More ›

°ÄÃŲʿª½± response – Cyber Governance Code of Practice call for views – March 2024

The °ÄÃŲʿª½± welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the Government’s Cyber Governance Code of Practice call for views.

°ÄÃŲʿª½± Scotland response to Community Wealth Building consultation

°ÄÃŲʿª½± Response – Call for submissions to shape next Defence Command Paper – April2023

°ÄÃŲʿª½± Response – Call for submissions to shape next Defence Command Paper – April2023

Event write-up More ›

Technology and the Future of Procurement Event – March 2024

In March 2024 the °ÄÃŲʿª½±, in collaboration with °ÄÃŲʿª½± member KPMG, organised an event to explore the opportunities that advances in technology bring to procurement.

Community Wealth Building and Partnership Working Seminar – December 2023

In December 2023, the °ÄÃŲʿª½±, in collaboration with DWF LLP, organised a seminar in Manchester on Community Wealth Building and Partnership Working, focused on the North West.

Delivering Modern Digital Public Services Seminar – November 2023

In November 2023 the °ÄÃŲʿª½±, in collaboration with Browne Jacobson LLP, organised a seminar in Birmingham on Delivering Modern Digital Public Services, focused on the West Midlands.

Policy Reports More ›

°ÄÃŲʿª½± Economic Tracker Q1 Report 2024

This report summarises responses gathered through the first three editions of the °ÄÃŲʿª½± Economic Tracker survey from January to March 2024 (Q1). It also reflects changes in the economic landscape and experiences of °ÄÃŲʿª½± members since the 2023 report.

The Business Services Sector in the United Kingdom – °ÄÃŲʿª½± Report June 2024

In late December 2023, the °ÄÃŲʿª½± (°ÄÃŲʿª½±) was approached by colleagues from
the Department for Business and Trade (DBT) to discuss a new report on the business services sector.
The project would look at the sector’s size, characteristics, and priorities in relation to growth and
investment. This report therefore provides an overview of the key characteristics and contributions
of the business services sector to the UK economy.

°ÄÃŲʿª½± Economic Tracker Report 2023

This report of the °ÄÃŲʿª½± Economic Tracker reflects responses to those versions of the survey published between January 2023 and December 2023. These were circulated to all °ÄÃŲʿª½± members to complete as the question set was reviewed and refreshed each month. Thank you to all those who completed the various editions of the Tracker survey in 2023.

The Tracker both reflects the importance of °ÄÃŲʿª½± members and the business services sector to the UK economy and provides an insight into the key areas affecting the sector. Anonymised monthly reports are passed on to the Department for Business and Trade, HM Treasury, No 10 and other key stakeholders, who have fed back how useful they have found members’ responses. Our anonymised summaries have also been shared with the Minister for Industry’s office and the Permanent Secretary.

Press Release More ›

°ÄÃŲʿª½± letter to the Prime Minister – 15.5.23

The °ÄÃŲʿª½± has written to the Prime Minister, Rt Hon Rishi Sunak M.P., following the announcement of the Coronation Medal to request that this recognition be extended to all support staff who have contributed to the Coronation.

Read the letter in full here.

°ÄÃŲʿª½± Response to Gillian Keegan Letter on Apprenticeships

The °ÄÃŲʿª½± has responded to the reply from Gillian Keegan, Minister for Apprenticeships and Skills, following our proposal on levy funded short courses.

°ÄÃŲʿª½± Letter to Rt Hon Michael Gove on coronavirus

The °ÄÃŲʿª½± has written to the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster regarding coronavirus .